(WTNH) | by: Jayne Chacko | Dec 28, 2024
HAMDEN, Conn. — Hamden Animal Control removed dogs from a home Saturday night after neighbors called claiming the animals were tied up and left outside in the cold for days.
“There’s animals chained to trees,” said Todd Berton, the owner of a business in the area. “It looks like an ASPCA commercial. It really is that bad. I don’t know if anybody has been here taking care of them.”
Berton called animal control on Friday when he saw dogs tied to trees in the backyard of a home on Hobson Avenue. Animal control and police blocked off the home as they removed animals Saturday afternoon.
Several neighbors, including Michael Brandi, were worried about the animals.
“We had some really cold spells, we had some freezing rain last night,” he said. “This past Saturday, it was three degrees here, I live only right up the road which I’m sad it kind of happened so close to me too.”
Neighbors said they heard barking all hours of the day and night. Some threw food over the fence to feed the dogs.
Brandi observed the dogs from the street. He works at an animal hospital and noticed the dogs’ poor condition.
“They have their ribs exposed and their hips are showing,” he said. “They don’t seem aggressive, they look more curious than anything else.”
It’s unclear exactly how many animals were removed but 4 large dogs were seen carried out. Animal control also caught chickens and a rooster. Members of Where the Love Is Animal Rescue brought food and stood by neighbors as they watched the officers work into the evening.
No one appeared to be inside the home when the animals were removed. According to police arrest logs, a man was arrested at this home on December 20. He is currently being detained on bond.
As of Saturday night, police have not announced any charges.
I am not convinced that the dirt-like offenders who commit these atrocities should not be subjected to the exact same treatment! Include their children as well as they are allegedly in their “care “and won’t grow up to produce another generation like their parents.